Advertising on Google

Do you want to show up in the results whenever a user searches for the products or services you offer?

Google allows you to appear to a huge number of users at the right time, increasing both traffic to your website, eshop or physical store and the conversion rate, which refers to the percentage of visits that result in a sale.

Your conversion rate is the percentage of visitors to your website who complete a desired action, which can take many forms.

Conversion can be the realisation of an online purchase, the completion of a form, the subscription to a newsletter.

We design campaigns aimed at a high ROI so that the money you spend on advertising will make you a high profit.

Success through measurable results!

✓ We design the right strategy, analyse your needs and set goals

✓ We choose the types of ads that are most suitable for your business

✓ We take care of creating ads with increased returns that will set you apart from the competition

✓ We update and enrich your content with texts and photos as needed to make your presence profitable

✓ We are in constant communication with you and share our knowledge, experience and new ideas in order to effectively promote your business

✓  Προτείνουμε μηνιαίο κόστος διαχείρισης το οποίο ταιριάζει στις ανάγκες και τις δυνατότητες σας, δίχως χρονική δέσμευση

We have been certified as an official Google partner, specialized in managing successful and efficient advertising campaigns.